Some questions I ask myself, feel free to listen in:

Who am I?

I am a 28ish year old guy from Atlanta, GA.  I was born in Atlanta, went to elementary school, middle school, high school and college in Atlanta.  After college, I moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL for a design job where I worked on signage and graphic design for a landscape architecture firm for 2 years.  After Florida I moved back to Atlanta for a design research job.  This job took me to a bunch of countries in Europe and all around America’s farmland for over a year.  After this job I moved to Japan to teach English for 2 years.  Now, I’m back.  It’s beer garden adventure time!

I have a lifetime love affair with tennis.  I dig a vast assortment of card games, puzzles and lazy-time activities.  Oh, and documentaries.  Gotta have me some documentaries!

Why am I doing this traveling?

I learned that despite loving the jobs I have had in the past, I grew restless with them after about 2 years no matter how much I enjoyed the work.  I came to realize that what I have always told others would be my dream career, to own a bar or beer garden of my own, is not just a dream.  It is totally attainable and worth going for if I can focus and follow through.

This traveling is the first active step in attaining the goal of opening my own beer garden.  I will travel around the US and learn from all of the most important establishments about how they made themselves a success.  If it is up an sustainably running, I am 100% interested in how it got that way.

I came back from Japan with a bit of savings and no job.  This is my free time to get busy living.

Where am I going?

I want to explore as many distinct regions of the US as I can in order to see how different geographies translate into different beer garden styles and strategies.  I hope to be able to use these influences in my future establishment.

This will take me on a route from Georgia through, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Maryland, DC, North Carolina, and Florida.  Hopefully.

Why beer gardens?

I have always been most comfortable relaxing outdoors amongst trees.  When I was in Berlin visiting a friend, we went to a beer garden and it was like magic.  So simple.  So easy to have a conversation without distraction.  I am fascinated that more Americans haven’t demanded more, but sadly they seem rather scarce.  I kind of want to know “why?”

What is a beer garden?

According to Wikipedia a beer garden is:

an outdoor area in which beer, other drinks, and local food are served.

That works for me, ‘cept I don’t require the local food.

That is a rather loose definition and could apply to about 30% of all restaurants and bars in America, but I think we can all agree that when we eat outside at an Applebees, we aren’t at a beer garden.

I think that what truly makes me feel like I am at a beer garden is when the priority is placed on the outdoor space with beer as it’s main beverage.

Wood picnic tables are a nice touch too.

One Response to “Q&A”
  1. DogsDontPurr says:

    Hey~ I found you through Elisson’s blog, Lost in the Cheese Aisle. You should totally check out Astoria, Oregon. It is quickly becoming a brew pub mecca. The Fort George Brewery is one of the best in our little town, but there are several other places to check out.

    I mention this also, because I own a giant old building there that would possibly fit in with the brew culture going on, and and am kind of courting brew minded people to help me find a new use for the building. It would possibly be an interesting location…for something. I’m just not sure what yet. But due to the booming brew biz on the Oregon Coast, that’s the direction I’m leaning in looking for a tenant, partner or new owner.

    When you find yourself in or near Oregon, let me know. I can point you to places all over the coast that are worth a look.


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